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Income Investors is dedicated to helping our readers earn higher investment yields and better returns from their portfolios.

  • We believe in simple. We believe that, over the long term, the best stocks tend to be simple businesses that produce reliable profits that they pay out to shareholders.
  • We believe in dividends. For small retail investors, dividends may be the best way to build wealth. Sure, we all like the extra money. But in addition to regular income, study after study has shown dividend stocks actually beat the market over the long haul. After all, what could be a better sign of a solid business than writing a check to shareholders?
  • We believe in the future. Over the past century, American incomes have grown seven-fold. Think about everything that has happened during that time: the Great Depression…two world wars…asset bubbles…stock market crashes…and the list goes on. Yet through it all, our standard of living has marched higher. For 240 years, it has been a mistake to be betting against America. Now is not the time to start.

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5 Dividend Stocks to Own Forever

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