The $10 Retirement Plan Creating Millionaires?
A select group of Americans are retiring with a little-known retirement plan that's censored by Congress...
Yet this plan enables Americans to potentially collect anywhere up to $12,160 in monthly income that's sponsored entirely by large-cap American companies.
Consider the case of Hayford...
Hayford's plans come from the who's who of rich companies like Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, and Philip Morris.
In 1995, Hayford was collecting an income of about $1,166 a month. But that was just for starters...
A few short years later, Hayford was collecting an income of $6,083 a month.
But he's not the only one cashing in.
Carla said her mother built a $65,000 portfolio simply by collecting a few hundred dollars a month from the Sponsored Retirement Plan (SRP) of Bristol-Myers.
For Americans in retirement or getting close to it, a SRP is a dream come true.
Because the great thing about your SRP is that you could withdraw your money anytime from the plan.
And these secret Sponsored Retirement Plans are trumping social security by up to 10 times.
In fact, if most people knew about SRPs, social security wouldn't be needed to supplement retirement income.
Unlike mainstream retirement plans like 401(K)s or IRAs, SRPs are ideal for folks who want to start with very little money.
You could begin your SRP with as little as $10, $50, $100 or $400. It's really up to you.
To see real-life stores of folks who’ve built hundred-thousand-dollar portfolios thanks to Sponsored Retirement Plans, and to get you own plan started today, I urge you to watch our FREE video on Sponsored Retirement Plans when you opt-in for our FREE income e-letter along with special offers from Income Investors.
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